How to Reface Kitchen Cabinets: Step-by-Step DIY Instructions for a Fresh Look

How to Reface Kitchen Cabinets: Step-by-Step DIY Instructions for a Fresh Look

How to Reface Kitchen Cabinets: Step-by-Step DIY Instructions for a Fresh Look

Posted on April 10th, 2024

In the realm of home improvement, mastering the art of how to reface kitchen cabinets is a valuable skill for homeowners seeking to update their space without breaking the bank. 

Cabinet refacing offers a cost-effective alternative to a full cabinet replacement, allowing you to achieve a fresh and modern look without the hassle of a major renovation. 

By revitalizing the exterior surfaces of your cabinets with new veneer or laminate material, you can transform the appearance of your kitchen and breathe new life into your space. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the step-by-step process of how to reface kitchen cabinets, empowering you to tackle this DIY project with confidence and achieve professional-quality results.

What is Cabinet Refacing?

Cabinet refacing is a cost-effective and efficient way to give your kitchen cabinets a facelift without the need for a complete replacement. During the refacing process, the exterior surfaces of the cabinets are removed and replaced with new veneer or laminate material. This process involves:

  • Updating Cabinet Doors and Drawer Fronts: Removing the existing exterior surfaces of the cabinets, such as the doors, drawer fronts, and visible cabinet frames, and replacing them with new veneer or laminate material. 
  • Installing New Hardware: Additionally, new hardware such as knobs, pulls, and hinges can be installed to complement the updated look.

Now, let's delve into why refacing your kitchen cabinets is a popular choice for homeowners looking to revitalize their space.

Why Reface Your Kitchen Cabinets?

Refacing your kitchen cabinets offers numerous benefits beyond just updating their appearance. Let's explore some compelling reasons why homeowners choose to reface their cabinets:


Refacing your kitchen cabinets is significantly more affordable than replacing them entirely. By retaining the existing cabinet structure and simply updating the exterior surfaces, you can achieve a fresh new look for a fraction of the cost of a full replacement.


Compared to a full cabinet replacement, cabinet refacing is a much quicker process. With minimal disruption to your daily routine, you can refresh the look of your kitchen in a matter of days rather than weeks.

Environmental Benefits

Opting for cabinet refacing over replacement is an eco-friendly choice. By reusing existing cabinet components and minimizing waste, you can reduce your environmental impact and support sustainability efforts.

Customization Options

Refacing your kitchen cabinets allows for a high degree of customization. From choosing the perfect veneer or laminate material to selecting the right kitchen cabinet color, or hardware and accessories that match your style preferences, you have the freedom to create a look that is uniquely yours.

Increased Home Value

A kitchen with updated cabinets can significantly enhance the overall value and appeal of your home. Whether you're planning to sell in the near future or simply want to enjoy a more attractive living space, refacing your cabinets can make a big difference.

Now that you understand the benefits of cabinet refacing, let's dive into the step-by-step DIY instructions to help you achieve a fresh new look for your kitchen cabinets.

How to Reface Kitchen Cabinets Step by Step

Ready to give your kitchen cabinets a fresh new look? In this section, we'll guide you through the process of refacing your kitchen cabinets step by step. Whether you're a seasoned DIY enthusiast or tackling your first home improvement project, our comprehensive instructions will empower you to achieve professional-quality results and transform the heart of your home. Let's dive in and revitalize your kitchen with this rewarding DIY endeavor.

1. Prepare Your Workspace

Clear out the contents of your cabinets and create a clean and clutter-free workspace. Remove cabinet doors, drawers, and hardware, and label each piece for easy reassembly.

2. Clean and Sand Surfaces

Thoroughly clean the cabinet surfaces with a mild detergent to remove dirt, grease, and grime. Once dry, lightly sand the surfaces to roughen the finish and promote adhesion.

3. Apply Primer

Apply a coat of primer to the cabinet frames and doors using a high-quality paintbrush or roller. Allow the primer to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.

4. Install Veneer or Laminate

Measure and cut veneer or laminate sheets to fit the cabinet surfaces. Apply adhesive to the back of the veneer and carefully press it onto the cabinet frames and doors, smoothing out any air bubbles or wrinkles.

5. Install New Hardware

Drill new holes for cabinet hardware if necessary, and install knobs, pulls, and hinges according to your desired placement. This step adds a finishing touch and enhances the overall aesthetic of your cabinets.

6. Reassemble Cabinets

Once the adhesive has dried, reattach the cabinet doors, drawers, and hardware. Check for proper alignment and functionality, making any necessary adjustments as needed.

When It’s Better to Call the Professionals

While DIY cabinet refacing can be a rewarding project, there are instances where it's best to leave the job to the experts. Here's when your cabinet refacing project should be better left in the hands of professionals:

  • Complexity of Project: If your cabinets require extensive repairs or modifications, it may be best to enlist the help of professional cabinet refacing experts.
  • Time Constraints: If you have limited time or experience, hiring professionals can ensure a faster and more efficient refacing process.
  • Desire for Customization: Professional cabinet refacing companies offer a wider range of customization options and expertise in achieving the desired look and finish.

Related: Kitchen Cabinet Color Trends 2024: What's Hot in Kitchen Design

Final Words

Mastering the art of cabinet refacing can transform your kitchen without the expense and hassle of a full renovation. From cost-effectiveness to customization options, refacing offers numerous benefits for homeowners seeking a fresh new look. 

At Pembertons Cabinetry, we are experts in kitchen and bathroom cabinetry, including custom solutions like kitchen islands and china cabinets, as well as cabinet refacing and painting services. Our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality results that exceed your expectations. 

Ready to revitalize your kitchen? Get in Touch Now!

Contact us at (931) 337-2413 or email [email protected] to schedule a consultation. Let us bring your vision to life and transform your kitchen into the heart of your home.

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